
0.8.11 (unreleased)

  • Nothing changed yet.

0.8.10 (2023-08-16)

  • Add main branch to calm branches

0.8.9 (2023-03-13)

  • Adapt xunit syntax for gitlab reports

0.8.8 (2023-01-11)

  • Add SMTP authentication

  • backward incompatible Drop support of Python 3.6.

0.8.7 (2021-11-15)

0.8.6 (2021-10-18)

  • Add Gitlab support.

0.8.5 (2021-10-08)

  • Add ignore_orphans_annotations config option.

This option ignore orphan future tags check on ignored annotations.

0.8.4 (2020-11-18)

  • Automatically detect the appropriate host_owner if undefined, in check-branches.

  • backward incompatible check-branches: Drop host_owner option in the configuration file. You should remove this option, otherwise an error will occur while reading the configuration file.

0.8.3 (2020-10-27)

  • Generate a wheel. For real. Or so I hope…

0.8.2 (2020-10-27)

  • Fix generation of wheel on release. Only a tarball was released, now a wheel should be released as well.

  • Fix compatibility with git < 2.7 in check-branches.

0.8.1 (2020-10-26)

  • Fix xUnit output that contained control characters when check-fixmes or check-branches were not run with the --no-color option.

0.8.0 (2020-10-22)

First public release.

0.1.0 (2016-01-12)

First apparition in a private tool.